Year’s ago a very astute former employer taught me a very important fact about running a business. He said "the only constant in business is change" Just about the time we have made changes and adjustments to maximize all profit potentials, put our feet up on the desk to take a five minute breather. ------- SOMETHING CHANGES!!! Some factor is trying to change our newest business plan. It could be competition, politics, weather, a new law, etc. etc.

The one positive aspect of this change period is that we are forced to again to look at our business for additional profit opportunities. This may be the time to look at doing the vending in your business.

Vending contributes to your bottom line while offering real convenience to your employees and customers. Breaks and lunch hours may become more punctual with vending machines on site. Office coffee service and water coolers may be able to be incorporated into your vending program. In 2012 The vending industry generated 47 billion dollars in sales. Consumers spend more on vended merchandise than they do on movies, video tapes, or even professional sports.

The Price Waterhouse Accounting Firm confirms that $0.54 of every dollar spent through a vending machine is gross profit. Does the size and nature of your business make you a good candidate for doing your own vending? If you would like to explore this possibility in greater depth, give me a call personally.

Bob Johnson - President